Lesson Objectives
- Calculate health insurance premiums
Assignment IU4.7
- Make a copy of the following three documents, move them into your Lesson 4 folder, and rename them accordingly:
- Scenario #1 (Espanol) = Who Pays What-(Your Initials)
- Scenario #2 (Espanol) = Health Insurance-(Your Initials)
- Scenario #3 (Espanol) = HMO-(Your Initials)
- Complete the following math related insurance calculations using the Google Documents you just created:
Scenario #1: Use this information (Espanol) pertaining to the three cases presented.
Use the space provided to show the calculations for the case.
Determine what the individuals are responsible to pay for based on their policy.
Identify how much the insurance company will be responsible for paying based on the insurance policy shown.
Scenario #2: Texas Health Insurance (use this document to complete this task:
- Couple 1: This couple lives in Area 2, neither smokes, they want a $5000 deductible plan, and he is 47 and she is 36 years old. How much will their health insurance premium be with these options?
- Couple 2: This couple lives in Area 6, he smokes but she doesn’t, they want to compare a $2,500 and $5,000 deductible plan, and he is 31 and she is 28. What are the premium prices for each plan? Which one costs more? What is the difference cost-wise between them?
- Couple 3: This couple lives in Area 3, they both smoke, they want to compare a $2,500 plan with an HSA $3,000 plan, and he is 45 and she is 47. What are the premium prices for each plan? Which one costs more? What is the difference cost-wise between them?
Scenario #3: New York Insurance Rates (use this document to complete this task:
Family 1: This family lives in Syracuse, have four kids, and want to compare the insurance rates at the Gold tier with Excellus and CDPHP HMO as an individual plan compared to a small group plan. What is the insurance premium they would have to pay for each company with each type of coverage? In your opinion, based on price, which one would be a better company to go with and which type of plan?
Couple 2: This couple lives in Rochester and wants to compare a Bronze tier individual plan to a Bronze tier small group plan. Calculate the premiums they have to choose from and put those numbers into your document. Based on price, which company would you suggest that they choose?
- Once you have your numbers calculated, use this audit tool to find out if your calculations are correct.
Assignment IU4.8
- When you have all of your Lesson 4 assignments completed, share your Lesson 4 folder with your teacher. Your folder should contain the following files:
- Health Insurance Options
- Telemedicine
- Health Plan
- Who Pays What
- Health Insurance
Lesson 4 Quiz-IU
- Complete the Lesson 4 Quiz for the Insurance Unit.