
Course Description

Prerequisite: None      Credits: 2
Grade Level: 10-12      Semesters: 2

Accounting is a full year elective for students in grades 10, 11, and 12.  Accounting is the language of business that everyone needs to know.  This is done by recording, analyzing and summarizing transactions into proper reports, along with development of the double entry accounting theory.  In addition to accounting for a business, students also learn about banking, managing a checking account, personal income taxes, and complete a year-end simulation.

Topics Covered

Recording Transactions in a General Journal
Posting from a General Journal to a General Ledger
Cash Control Systems
Preparing a Worksheet
Preparing Financial Statements
Recording Adjusting and Closing Entries
Recording Transactions in Special Journals
Posting to a Subsidiary Ledger
Preparing Payroll Records
Payroll Accounting, Taxes, and Reports
Distributing Dividends

Lesson Plans