Lesson Objectives
- Describe the steps when filing a federal income tax return.
Notes 3
- Obtain a copy of the Notes 3-1 Handout (Espanol) from your teacher and fill in the notes through the presentation. You can also view the Notes 3-1 Presentation (Espanol).
Assignment TU3.1
- Inside of your Tax Unit folder, create a new folder titled Lesson 3. All your tasks completed in Lesson 3 should be stored in this folder.
Assignment TU3.2
- Make a copy of this Google Drawing, rename it State Income Tax-(Your Initials), and move it into your Lesson 3 folder.
- Do some research to find out which states have state income tax and which ones do not.
- In your Google Drawing, use text boxes to indicate which states have state income tax with a capitalized, boldfaced green background YES and which ones do not with a lowercase red background no.