Day 13

When you have completed Lesson 1, you will be able to:

  • Identify the basic economic problem.
  • Describe how America’s private enterprise economy works.


  1. Inside of your Unit 1 folder, create a new folder titled Chapter 3.  Everything you complete for Chapter 3 will be stored within this folder.


  1. Make a copy of this Google Document, rename it Study Guide 3-1-(Your Initials), and move it into your Chapter 3 folder.
  2. Read Lesson 3-1 on pages 60-65.
  3. As you read, utilize this presentation to help you answer the questions in your study guide.


  • The Economic Problem
    1. Create a new Google Document titled Economic Problem-(Your Initials) and move it into your Chapter 3 folder.
    2. Prepare a one-page (double spaced, default font, size, and margins) report describing the basic economic problem and include an example of it.  Explain how this problem would be handled in different economic systems (controlled, free, mixed, and private enterprise).
  • Consumer Information
    1. Create a new Google Sheets spreadsheet named Consumer Information-(Your Initials) and move it into your Chapter 3 folder.
    2. As your textbook explains, consumers gather information about available products and services so they can select those that appear to satisfy their needs.  Compile a list of resources online (website) that consumers can use to do this, briefly describing each one.  Do record this, do the following:
      • List the name of the company is column A
      • Copy and paste the website in column B
      • Brief description of what the website provides in column C


  1. Lesson 3-1 Assessment