Day 135-144

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the following:

  • Working in the Project Manager
  • Importing projects
  • Managing collaboration
  • Managing your hard drives
  • Choosing the right export options
  • Exporting single frames
  • Creating movie, image sequence, and audio files
  • Using Adobe Media Encoder
  • Exporting to Final Cut Pro
  • Exporting to Avid Media Composer
  • Working with edit decision lists
  • Recording to tape

Assignment P.9.1

  1. Navigate to your Lesson 17 and Lesson 18 folders by following this path:  My Drive / Digital Marketing / Adobe / Student Data Files / Classroom in a Book-18 /

Assignment P.9.2

  1. Read through Lesson 17.
  2. Complete the yellow highlighted steps in Adobe Premiere Pro.
  3. When prompted to rename files when completing the steps, rename them as directed in the text.
  4. Make a copy of this Google Document, rename it to Lesson 17 Study Guide-(your initials), and move it into your Lesson 17 folder.  Complete the study guide as directed.

Assignment P.9.3

  1. Read through Lesson 18.
  2. Complete the yellow highlighted steps in Adobe Premiere Pro.
  3. When prompted to rename files when completing the steps, rename them as directed in the text.
  4. Make a copy of this Google Document, rename it to Lesson 18 Study Guide-(your initials), and move it into your Lesson 18 folder.  Complete the study guide as directed.

Assignment P.9.4

  1. Share your Lesson 17 and Lesson 18 folders with your instructor.