When you are finished with Lesson 4-1, you will be able to:
- Describe social responsibility issues.
- Identify benefits and costs of social responsibility.
- Explain the purpose of a code of ethics.
Assignment 4.1.1
- Log into your Google Drive account.
- Navigate to your Unit 1 folder.
- Inside of the Unit 1 folder, create a new folder titled Chapter 4. Everything you create in Chapter 4 will be stored in this folder.
Assignment 4.1.2
- Obtain a copy of the notes handout.
- Read Lesson 4-1 on pages 76-80.
- As you read, utilize this presentation to help you fill in the missing parts on the handout.
Assignment 4.1.3
Assignment 4.1.4
- Search the internet to locate an example of a code of ethics.
- Read through the code of ethics.
- Create a new Google Presentation titled Code of Ethics-(Your Initials) and put it in your Chapter 4 folder.
- In your presentation, describe what a code of ethics is and the benefits this particular code of ethics has for the organization. Your presentation should include AT LEAST FIVE slides with transitions, animations, and graphics.