Lesson Objectives
- Develop skills for negotiating deals on products or services.
- Understand that integrity and honesty are important when it comes to negotiating with others.
Assignment 7.2.4
- Watch Video 2.3
- Record the missing words from pages 150 of the textbook as they pop up on the left side of the video screen by filling in this form. (pages 150) .
- Discussion Questions:
- Why is it important to know when to stop talking when negotiating a good deal?
- Watch Video 2.4
- Record the missing words from pages 151-152 of the textbook as they pop up on the left side of the video screen by filling in this form. (pages 151-152) .
- Discussion Questions:
- Explain how the “If I” take-away technique works.
- What are the three keys for getting bargains?
Assignment 7.2.5
- Make a copy of this Google Document, rename it Negotiating-(your initials), and move it into your Chapter 7 folder
- Use the seven basic rules of negotiating from the chapter and your completed forms in your email in order to complete this activity.
- Think of something you want to buy and develop a plan of action to get the best deal.
- Research the item to find the best price and write the steps it will take to purchase the item. The plan should include saving up for the item and how you might use any of the negotiating rules to get the best deal.
Assignment 7.2.6
- In your Personal Finance Journal-C7 file in your Chapter 7 folder, complete the next two rows in the table by answering the question listed.