Lesson Objectives
- Identify common types of risks.
- Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary types of coverage.
- Understand the importance of identity theft protection.
- Understand the importance of property and liability protection.
Assignment 9.2.6
- Watch Video 2.4
- Record the missing words from pages 198-199 of the textbook as they pop up on the left side of the video screen by filling in this form. (pages 198-199) .
- Discussion Questions:
- What is the purpose of disability insurance?
- What is the purpose of identity theft protection?
- What is the most affordable way to get disability insurance?
Assignment 9.2.7
- Make a copy of this Google Document, rename it Insurance Policies-(Your Initials), and move it into your Chapter 9 folder.
- Read the directions within the document and complete it as directed.
Assignment 9.2.8
- In your Personal Finance Journal-C9 file in your Chapter 9 folder, complete the next row in the table by answering the question listed.