Upon completion of Lesson 4, you will be able to:
- Set the margins of a document.
- Align text.
- Adjust paragraph indents.
- Adjust line and paragraph spacing.
- Set and modify tab stops.
- Create and modify bulleted and numbered lists.
- Create an outline numbered list.
Lesson 4 Folder
- After completing all the steps in the tutorial and the Lesson 4 projects and activities, share your Lesson 4 folder with your teacher. Your folder should contain the following files:
- American Diet
- American Diet Title Page
- NADA Office Supplies Memo
- American Diet Guidelines
- Health Plan
- Break Room Poster 2
- Resume for Anna
- Wedding Invitation
- Interview Preparation Tips
- Overnight Shipping
- Agenda
- Government
- My Resume
- Favorite Things
Lesson 4 Exam
- Lesson 4 Exam (password required)
- For this assessment, you will be required to get a score of 20 or better!!