Day 42

Upon completion of Lesson 2, you will be able to:

  • Change column widths and row heights.
  • Position data within a cell by aligning or wrapping.
  • Change the appearance of cells using fonts, font sizes, font styles, colors, and borders.
  • Designate the number format used for data stored in a cell.
  • Use the Paint Format to copy formatting from one cell to another.
  • Clear cells.

Project 2-1

  1. Open the Bird Data File.
  2. Rename the workbook as Bird Census-(your initials).
  3. Change the width of column A to fit contents.
  4. Merge and center the range A1:F1 and the range A2:F2.
  5. Format cell A1 so the fill color of the range A1:A2 to Orange.
  6. Bold the range A4:F4.
  7. Change the width of column B through column E to fit.
  8. Bold the range A12:F12.
  9. Italicize the range A5:A11.
  10. Right-align the data in cell A12.
  11. Format the range B12:F12 with a top and bottom border.
  12. Change the font color of the range F4:F12 to Orange.
  13. In cell A3, type Prepared by: followed by your name.
  14. Close the workbook.

Project 2-2

  1. Open the Phone Data File.
  2. Rename the workbook as Phone Shop-(your initials).
  3. Bold and center the text in the range B4:D5.
  4. Bold the text in cell A5.
  5. Change the text in cell A1 to 14-point Georgia. Merge and center the range A1:D1.
  6. Change the fill color of cell A1 to Green.
  7. Change the fill color of the range A2:D2 to Yellow.
  8. Format the range C6:D9 and cell D10 as Currency with two decimal places.
  9. Change the fill color of cell D10 to Yellow.
  10. Add a thick bottom border to the range A5:D5.
  11. AutoFit column A.
  12. Change the width of columns B, C, and D to fit contents.
  13. In cell C2, enter your name.
  14. Close the workbook.

Project 2-3

  1. Open the Cell Data File.
  2. Rename the workbook as Cell Bill-(your initials).
  3. In cell A1, type Cell Phone Bill Estimate.
  4. Bold the text in cell A1.
  5. In cell A1, change the font size of the text to 14.
  6. Merge and center the range A1:D1.
  7. Change the fill color of cell A1 to Blue.
  8. Change the font color of cell A1 to White.
  9. Underline the contents of cell A1.
  10. Center the contents of the range B3:C3.
  11. Format the range C4:D7 in the Currency number format with two decimal places.
  12. Add a bottom border to cell D6.
  13. Widen column A to fit cell A5’s contents. In cell A4, wrap text.
  14. Change the Vertical Alignment to Middle-align for the range B4:D4.
  15. In cell A2, enter your name.
  16. Close the workbook.

Project 2-4

  1. Open the Balance Data File.
  2. Rename the workbook as TechSoft Balance-(your initials). This workbook contains a balance sheet, which is a financial statement that lists a corporation’s assets (resources available), liabilities (amounts owed), and equity (ownership in the company).
  3. Merge and center the ranges A1:E1, A2:E2, and A3:E3.
  4. Bold cells A5, A6, A20, D5, D6, D17, and D21.
  5. Apply a bottom border to cells B8, B13, E11, and E19. Apply a top border to cells B20 and E21.
  6. Format cells B7, E7, B20, and E21 in the Currency number format with no decimal places.
  7. Format the ranges B8:B19, E8:E15, and E18:E20 in the Number format with a thousands separator and no decimal places.
  8. Change the column width of column D to fit.
  9. In cell A4, enter your name. Italicize the text in cell A4.
  10. Close the workbook.

Project 2-5

  1. Open the Mileage Data File.
  2. Rename the workbook as Mileage Chart-(your initials).
  3. Change the font size of the range A1:O15 to 8 points.
  4. Format the range B2:O15 in the Number format with a thousands separator and no decimal places.
  5. Bold the ranges B1:O1 and A2:A15.
  6. Change the width of column A to fit.
  7. Right-align the content of the range A2:A15.
  8. Change the width of columns B through O to fit.
  9. In cell A1, enter your name, and then change the font size to 12 points and wrap text.
  10. Close the workbook.

Activity 2-1

To be useful, worksheets must convey information clearly, both on-screen and on the printed page. Identify ways to accomplish the following:

  1. Emphasize certain portions of a worksheet.
  2. Make data in a worksheet easier to read.
  3. Distinguish one part of a worksheet from another.
  4. Format similar elements in a worksheet consistently.

Record your findings and thoughts in a new Google Document titled Clear Information-(your initials).