Day 14-16

When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Identify the important settings within WordPress.
  • Research what each setting does within WordPress.
  • Change the settings within WordPress.

Assignment 3.1

  1. Inside of your Web Design folder, create a new folder titled Lesson 3.

Assignment 3.2

  1. Read this tutorial, which explains the different setting options within WordPress.
  2. Make a copy of this document, rename it WPSG3-(your initials), and move it into your Lesson 3 folder.
  3. As you read through the tutorial, answer the questions in the document.

Assignment 3.3

  1. Utilize the internet and other sources of information to determine what is an acceptable setting to use for each WordPress Discussion settings option listed below:
    • Other Comment Settings: 
      -Comment author must fill out their name and e-mail
      -Users must be registered and logged in to comment
      -Automatically close comments on articles older than days
      -Enable threaded (nested) comments
      -Break comments into pages with top level comments per page and the page displayed by default
      -Comments should be displayed with the comments at the top of
      each page
    • Before a comment appears:
      -Comment must be manually approved
      -Comment author must have a previously approved comment
  2. Create a new Google Document titled WordPress Settings-(your initials) and move it into your Lesson 3 folder.
  3. Use your research results to write a one to two-page paper explaining what you found and how it will impact what discussion settings you will use.