The intent of this project is to develop a well-designed cover page for the sports programs that the Sibley-Ocheyedan High School can use for their sporting events. Below are the following requirements:
Create a new folder in your Google Drive titled S-O Sports Programs-(Your Initials).
Research current program cover pages on the internet. Identify 10 programs that you feel showcase a high grade of quality and professionalism based on what you learned through the Photoshop tutorials. Create a Google Document titled Professional Covers-(Your Initials). Inside of this document, make a list of the covers you found, a direct link to the page where you found it, and a description for why you feel it is a good cover page.
Using the skills you established throughout the Photoshop lessons, create a cover photo for each of the fall and winter sports. Each image should be 2550 pixels wide and 3300 pixels tall. You must utilize, at a minimum, at least five photos for each cover. You can obtain the photos here. Download a copy of them and then use them in your cover. When you are finished, you will have six images that you created.